
Future of the BID Community Website

The current BID Community website needs a major upgrade of the underlying Drupal and Linux software that is hard to justify given the current volume of traffic.  One option is to archive parts or all of the existing content in a static website.  If there is sufficient interest, a re-designed website could be launched in the future.  The following questions will help me assess what is worth keeping and what a re-designed website might look like.  

The survey contains three sets of questions:

  • the value of the existing website content and services
  • the value of archiving the existing website content
  • what features a redesigned website could include with a space for general comments

The survey should take no more than five minutes to complete but depends on your familiarity with the current BID Community website.

All questions are optional.  I will post aggregated survey responses to the BID Community website and a summary of comments with any personally identifiable information removed.

There are 5 questions in this survey.